I'm trying to install Allegro for my Bloodshed compiler, but I seem to be having trouble adding the MINGDIR to my path. I've gotten to my environmental variables, clicked path and edit and added C:\Dev-Cpp\bin to the beginning of my path.
I've done 'gcc -v' in command line and gotten the appropriate blurb. I can get through the fix.bat mingw step with no problem. However, when I do the make command, I get "Your MINGDIR environmental variable is not set. I've looked at the ming32.txt doc, but I can't figure out what "then modify PATH and add MINGDIR" means.
I've tried adding c:\MINGW to my path and c:\MINGDIR to my path. I even added a variable named MINGDIR and set it to c:\MINGW, but that didn't work either. When I try to do make install I get error messages. When I try to run Allegro programs in Dev_C++, I getI've been at this for a few hours now and I'd really appreciate some help. <allegro.> no such file or directory.
I have already installed DirectX and added sdk...bin to binaries, lib to libraries, and include to both c include and c++include. I'm at my whit's end. Any help would be greatly appreciated.