This isn't a specific question regarding a certain program or anything, so if this is in the wrong forum, feel free to move it. :confused:
I was just curious how long everyone here has been programming, and how long with C++? The reason I'm asking is I'm curious as to how long it took people like Narue to become as proficient as they are with the language. :P
I personally have been programming for ~4 years now, and worked with C++ for probably about 2-3 of those years. About the first two years were all on really basic console programs since I took a C++ class in high school and my first few classes in college were basic C++ courses.
Edit - Since plgriffith posted the other languages he's worked with, I guess I will too.
I've also worked with some Pascal, Assembly, SQL, Java, PHP, HTML and now starting to play around with Perl a little at work. I haven't really gone in depth with any of these languages though, C++ has always been my main focus.