I am looking for opportunities in IT career and have an experience of more then 2 years , I get offers for working in contract basis.I have some questions regarding it.

1 . If I am working for the company directly how will my experience show in the experience letter?

2.If I join a company for contract basis through a consultancy when I am a permanent employee of the consultancy as well the payroll is with the consultancy . Will I get the experience letter from the company or the consultancy will give the letter?

3. What is pay scale or the expected Salary that we can demand from them?

I would be grateful of anybody can answer the above questions.


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The experience letter will be provided by your consultancy only with the name of their company and the offer letter too. The same for the second question. You can demand according to your knowledge and experience. do you send me the private msg, becoz I am in the same category and I will give you some more inputs that will not be discussed here.

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