This is great that so many folks respond so honestly and clearly to posts from clueless people like me. So, thanks in advance for setting me straight.
I'm in my 40's and looking for a career change. I've always had an interest in tech, but real-world experience is fairly slim -- got A's in Fortran & Pascal classes in colleges back in the late 80's. I'm betting things have changed a bit since then???
Here's my question. I want to choose an area of expertise that will best enable me to be successfully self-employed or fairly easily employable as a tele-commuter. I live in a smaller rural town, and I won't be moving to obtain a job. I'd especially like to hear from those of you who have managed to pull this off yourself. And if you know of folks who have tried (successfully or not), I'd like to hear those stories and related advice as well.
As a follow-up question, I'd ask if you have an opinion on a need for a college degree vs. stacking up some certifications instead, and which degrees/certifications you think would be most valuable.