
I'm wondering if you could create an image of a game disk, for example, ghost recon, and then mount this image on a virtual cd drive and actually play from there, is this possible? and if it is, what free software can I use to copy that image from that dis?

thanks in advance:mrgreen:

Yes theres loads i think the biggest one is called alcohol 120% or something

i tried alcohol but it's not free though, who cares. Anyway, when i try to get the image from the ghost recon cd is said something stupid, something wrong with cd bla bla bla, could the cause of this be scratches on the cd or security?

also, can you burn xbox games this way with alcohol?

Oh sorry, i musta got alcohol off a cover disk or something. Um.... google it because i remember that there is a way to do ps2 games etc... .However you must get your console "chipped" to play any games you copy

You can run a lot of games or other software from a virtual drive. Daemon Tools is a very popular Virtual Drive Software..... Not To Be A Fuddy Duddy, but you might want to be careful the direction you take this thread (piracy rules and all).

Yeah, i was just thinking about that. Are you in the US or UK?

i THINK that its OK so long as its for your own use but you may want to wiki it or something

Oh, If You own a copy, and you just don't want to have to deal with the CD occupying your drive, you are good to go... and I believe you can even burn copies of the discs as back-up's for personal use.... I just wanted to give a head's up before the thread crossed the ethical line ;)

yeah, i know some one would say something like that. i only want to play without the stupid cd. also at lan parties, we never seem to have enough copies for everyone to play any game, so i guess this is a solution, instead of cracking the game.

you still didn't answear my question

when i try to get the image from the ghost recon cd is said something stupid, something wrong with cd bla bla bla, could the cause of this be scratches on the cd or security?

an i'm in the US.

most likely its security. It said the same thing when i did ps2 games but there are answers out there on the net - you set some options and then it still complains but should work

try a new game, without scratches, and see if it works. Also, look into AnyDVD from slysoft....

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