So I'm trying to decide if going to college for computer science or computer enegineering would be worth it. Or should I get a BS/BA in something I really enjoy doing (Like film or art) and just teach myself computer programming, opengl, direct 3d, etc.
My passion has always been computers and film. I'm semi artistic and can learn to produce some great 3D art or effects for video games... but the same time I'm very logically minded and I understand how computers and programming works. I've taught myself evertyhing I need to know about web development, and I am moving on to OpenGL now (after having learned C++/C#).
I've heard that Computer Science is mainly theory, and that it's also very boring if you already understand how everything works. So is it worth it to do that, or should I just take something I enjoy (like film/art) and teach myself everything else I need to know to work in game programming/art?
That way I have a degree in something I enjoy and still learn/have the experiance in game programming and game art to get a job in the industry based on experiance alone?