
I am getting increasingly addicted to online blogs particularly the ones that deal with technological subjects. I would like to know from the daniweb community as what they find as their favourite blogs on the net (including this site and any other sites) and it would be great if they can share them with me (give me the urls) including the reasons for them being so dear to you. So I can also have a read. Thanks.

Well I would have to say my own Inside Edge, here at DaniWeb and to balance the self-promotion I enjoy reading Right On by our own joeprogrammer very much as it's always thought provoking and interesting stuff.

Away from DaniWeb, Gizmodo is on my must read list as a confirmed gadget addict, as is News From The Lab which is the blog of the security labs staff at Finland based security vendor F-Secure.

Well I would have to say my own Inside Edge, here at DaniWeb and to balance the self-promotion I enjoy reading Right On by our own joeprogrammer very much as it's always thought provoking and interesting stuff.

Away from DaniWeb, Gizmodo is on my must read list as a confirmed gadget addict, as is News From The Lab which is the blog of the security labs staff at Finland based security vendor F-Secure.


Thanks a lot for the reply. I also read your blog here and like some of the things about it. It is very short and focused on a certain subject in question, not like the blogs that are too long and very difficult to comprehend. Please keep blogging it is a great service to the online community such as Daniweb. Cheers.

Thanks for the kind words, they are appreciated...

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