We have detected this IP address has used a web accelerator or pre-fetch agent or site mirror tool
These tools not welcome

Has anyone else recieved this message? Can you please tell me how to fix this problem.

thx in advance.

What exactly has happend??

I love that site,post there all the time!

Did you run a test and got these results??

Just a thought...

Have you tried an alternate browser my friend?? (Your browser might have triggered something)

What exactly has happend??

I love that site,post there all the time!

Did you run a test and got these results??

i was reading an article and was tyring to expand to read more of the story, and thats when i got the error message.

What link were you viewing??

Ill try it and see what happens (As i know im not using anything)

Its working fine now, but i didnt change anything on my system to make it work. I even tried from a couple of other computers on my network and got the same error message. But all are working now.

Well im glad things are fine now :)

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