Is the following a good technique for improving 'how to link to us' pages? A well-known problem with link to us pages is that if you manage to get enough people visiting them and obeying the 'how to link to us' instructions, all your links (resulting from them) will be the same - the same link text and always to the same page. This is unless you offer a few options (but then many people will pick the first 'how to link' suggestion). How about if I included a bit of randomisation via a bit of programming (probably javscript) so that not all visitors to the page see the same suggestions? Is this a good idea or not? I look forward to your feedback, and thanks in advance.

I like your idea. I am not familiar with this, but just make sure your way abides by the Google's PageRank algorithm.

I think its a good idea to server multiple keywords. But, beware of getting links from spammy site.

Well, many times even after holding the links pages still for years you may not experience any new links added to your pages. The main idea is creating sites in a quality way so that others add links to them naturally and using any format they like.

Thanks for your comments, so far. I agree that link to us pages do not in themselves generate many links, but they are useful for referring people to. So if someone wants to link to my site or I ask someone if they'd like to link, I can direct them to the link to us page.

i dont have any idea about any opinions on this will really help me alot.

Ideally, in order for any incoming link building strategies to be sustainably effective, two things need to occur simultaneously: 1. The web page needs to attract the best kind of inbound links; the ones that naturally derive from a webmaster somewhere who has visited your web page and wants to recommend it as an additional read for their Internet visitor, with no strings attached. These type of links will come in enough of a variety as to enforce the value of your own expanding keyphrase targets provided that ... 2. Your own web page content is geared to have keyphrase dynamicability; your use of keyphrases is evolving to generate an almost never ending list of potential keyphrases.

"Keyphrase dynamicability" is attained by using all the spelling variables (prefixes, suffixes, pluralization ...), verb tenses, abbreviations, synonymous keyphrases, morphs etc. throughout the web page content and the optimizable web page components (Titles, paragraphs, headings, descriptions, anchor text, image and webpage naming, tag attributes etc.).

I guess that Canadafred's principles can apply as well as having the link to us page serving multiple ways to link. So visitors are free to link as they choose, which of course they always will be, and those who choose to copy and paste from the link to us page can do so as well. I can see that link to us pages are still quite popular as it is recognised as a way to encourage those important links, and websites pertaining to not-so-niche subject matter (perhaps small businesses in a competive market) need every technique they can get. But the standard link to us page has the problem I've already explained. These are my assumptions only i.e. I still welcome the opinions of others.

Although I have never used a 'link to us' strategy it would seem to me that CanadaFred is on the right path. Create an interesting website that is content rich and is constantly being updated, one that as people visit and see the value they will link to the website as a way of recommending the site to others. It would seem to me that if you are using a 'link to us' strategy, regardless of what tech twist you put on it to create unique links, the majority of the links you will attract are from other webmaster utilizing a similar 'link to us' strategy and those would be bogus links.

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