For the past month I have been researching and downloading free ebooks on Google Adwords. But half and half, they tell me to either start with the search network turned on and pay per click, or the content network (which is supposed to really work well) and pay per impression.

Which do you prefer and/or suggest?

First, start with the content network.

I think Google Search Network will give you more sale conversions. But, you may need to setup a high CPC.

In content network, you can use less CPC bid, but has a less chance of visitor converting into a sale. What other people think on this?

In most of our campaigns the content network has never performed that well as far as conversions go and that is across a broad range of client industries. It is however, an inexpensive option to get started in PPC.

content , content is the king
if u have good content ,u have a trump card in your hand which gonna help u win every battle

Start with content , search ads are too expensive :-(

for me, i would start with the content

i would say start with enough research :D
then u've got to know what to do ,,,

well, u post here and ask suggestion is a wise choice
people here are very kind

You can get some slight branding through content and get conversions but usially very few and ultimately the conversion percentage I find to be higher.... the people are searching for something then find you vs someone on a site for whatever reason not necessarily looking to buy or convert to something else

content goes first

Content network may bring you more clicks. Howerver, I think it is not as effective as the search network .

For the past month I have been researching and downloading free ebooks on Google Adwords. But half and half, they tell me to either start with the search network turned on and pay per click, or the content network (which is supposed to really work well) and pay per impression.

Which do you prefer and/or suggest?

Gotta tell you, whoever says start with content, has no clue what they are talking about. Only is very rare instances would you start there. With that being said, content could aventually prove itself to work really really well for you, but only if you know how to utilize it properly. Content campaigns are unlike search campaigns. They should have fewer keywords, match types are irrelevant you should use broad match only in content campaigns. Content campaigns should have individual ad groups like search broken into "themes". Then you run a "placement report" assuming you have conversion tracking running and identify the best sites, then pull out those sites and bid individually on the best content sites under a "site targeted" content campaign. This is actually probably too advanced to understand at this point from what I can tell so start with search!

The argument that CPC's are lower in content is not a good one. Content traffic tends to be less relevant than search. The only way you can make content work is if you know what you are doing most of the time.

Start with search only definately. Figure that out, then investigate content.

ALWAYS have the campaigns seperated into 2 and analyze search vs content.

You also must use conversion tracking; it will be the backbone to your success.

If you really want to have the conversions then search is only the option. Content will just be waste of money but only will be helpful in branding the website.

Gotta tell you, whoever says start with content, has no clue what they are talking about. Only is very rare instances would you start there. With that being said, content could aventually prove itself to work really really well for you, but only if you know how to utilize it properly. Content campaigns are unlike search campaigns. They should have fewer keywords, match types are irrelevant you should use broad match only in content campaigns. Content campaigns should have individual ad groups like search broken into "themes". Then you run a "placement report" assuming you have conversion tracking running and identify the best sites, then pull out those sites and bid individually on the best content sites under a "site targeted" content campaign. This is actually probably too advanced to understand at this point from what I can tell so start with search!

The argument that CPC's are lower in content is not a good one. Content traffic tends to be less relevant than search. The only way you can make content work is if you know what you are doing most of the time.

Start with search only definately. Figure that out, then investigate content.

ALWAYS have the campaigns seperated into 2 and analyze search vs content.

You also must use conversion tracking; it will be the backbone to your success.

This is contrary to my idea, but i feel it indeed make sense, and i begin to renew the conception. I think i gonna do more research on this issue. Thanks for the insightful idea.

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