Can any one tell me about social book marking sites, & also its role in search engine optimization

Well they give you good backlinks and nice traffic too. I think this is enough for anyone.

Social bookmarking is one of the techniques that helps generate lots of back links. Social bookmarking sites like digg, reddit, stumbleupon, and delicious helps.

Thanks for providing nice information

we can get lot's of traffic form social book marking

Can any one tell me about social book marking sites, & also its role in search engine optimization

In order for a site to rank good, it needs traffic and should have a good amount of backlinks. Social bookmarks gives backlinks to a site, the great thing about this is that the links can be placed by you.

By having a social bookmarking account on do-follow sites, you can easily make a backlink to your own page.

You can filter bookmarking sites at

Social bookmarkings is a part of link building technique that will help your site to improve your SERP on major search engines.

SEO Tips & Guidelines

1. If you dont want too much competition from other SEO?s, choose your keywords precisely.
For example, Instead of keyowrd Loan choose keywords like Bank Loan, Equity Loan, Student Loan, Home Loan etc.
Order of keyword also matter for search engines. Search engine treats ?Loan Equity? and ?Equity Loan? as different keywords.

2. Best seo practice is to get at least one of your primary keywords in domain or sub domain name of your website.
You can use hyphens (-) to separate multiple keywords.
For example: seo-service, seo-guidelines, free-seo each cover two keyords.

3. Get your second or third keywords in your directory name and filename.

4. Keep your webpage free from any syntax error, declare document type at the beginning and validate your HTML and CSS because search engine don?t like pages with too many errors.

5. Give a short Title in of your page in 3-9 words (60-80 characters) maximum in length containing your primary keyword.
Remember it will be displayed in search results so choose wisely.

6. Try to include your most important keyword phrases in heading tags on your page if you can but keep in mind it should not be exactly same as title of your page.
You can use (H1 H2 H3) tag for specifying anything important.
To reduce size of heading use CSS.

7. Specify Meta keywords in heading of document. Limit it to 15 to 20 words. Although not all the search engines give importance but there is no harm doing it.Search engine like Yahoo still give it importance.

8. Write Your Meta Description tag attractive containing keywords because it will appear on the search engine result pages.

9. Use text for navigation menu instead of using images or Java scripts.

10. Try to include your most important keyword in hyperlinked text and text and text that immediately precedes or follows the hyperlink.
Do not use same keyword always use synonyms at few places.
Jusk like instead of seo, I have use search engine optimization at many places on this page.

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