i am working in a SEO project .
and monitor my competitor website backlinks every day.
i am using linkdomain:sitedomain -site:sitedomain in Yahoo! to find backlink count.
i was about 9,000 link yesterday but today is 22,700 .
(all are for my competitor)
i am really shocked with this event! how it happend?
how can i find out where these massive count are from? from what sites?

I think such data are far from accurate and only for reference purposes. I think some online services like backlinkhunter would help you more because they also fetch anchor texts and other essential factors for backlinks of your competitors. :)

Have a nice day,

Every time you see there is a different number of back links so don't shock.. Just check number of back links in google & try to take link from those one only..

Every time you see there is a different number of back links so don't shock.. Just check number of back links in google & try to take link from those one only..

but i 've heard Google doesn't act perfect in backlink issue and the Yahoo! is the best for it.

but i 've heard Google doesn't act perfect in backlink issue and the Yahoo! is the best for it.

I also think that Google doesn't act perfect in backlink issue and yahoo is better bet how it is possible, your problem is very very strange.

Actually, they all don't give accurate numbers of backlinks, but they are all good basis for results.

With your issue, I think that is entirely possible, and I would suggest you try to check those backlinks and figure out where they came from. You can use backlinkwatch for this one, and maybe your pages just got indexed with the perfect timing.

my competitor backlink count is 23,100 today.
yesterday it was 22,700.
i will kill myself,if not my boss will do that. :(

my competitor backlink count is 23,100 today.
yesterday it was 22,700.
i will kill myself,if not my boss will do that. :(

You need to check the quaility of the backlinks not just the quailty!

my competitor backlink count is 23,100 today.
yesterday it was 22,700.
i will kill myself,if not my boss will do that. :(

Perhaps your competitor provides better resources and content, and as such, they were rewarded with more web citations?

By using Yahoo site explorer, you can see probably thousands of links from a particular domain.
Please let us know the technique ;)

How to check the quality of the backlinks? I am using siteexplorer of the yahoo just to check the backlinks of the mysite.

You don't need to be shocked by such numbers, it doesn't mean your competitor built that many backlinks over night.

...i will kill myself,if not my boss will do that. :(

Holy cow man get a grip. Forget about the competitors backlinks and start paying attention to your own stuff. Catch up to him in the search engine results pages not in the off-site game. Look at your stuff and improve the delivery of evolving optimized content. Fix your internal linking structure. An internal link can be ten times better for you in the results pages than any incoming one. Work your webpages, build outside and crosslink related but completely unique content if you must. Work it and stop crying.

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