To increase traffic, you should put quality content on your website to give your visitors reason to visit your website again. Also, if you invite special personalities in your website, they can join the forum with your visitors. Don't forget to write articles on other websites and add a link to your website at the end of the article. More articles, the more chance of obtain more traffic in your website.

Also, a link exchange campaign would help.. not an automated one, but a manually one. I don't appreciate when I receive automated link exchange request and I don't know who appreciate this.

Try RSS Feeds it will help you to increase the traffic.


I consider link baiting an efficient tool for generating quality traffic. Also it decreases the bounce rate also.

But can some one help me with the more knowledge about link baiting. How can we do it more effectively?


Social bookmarkings & social networkings resources are effective and popular way of promotion and getting more traffic for the website nowadays.

... can some one help me with the more knowledge about link baiting. How can we do it more effectively?...

I realize that this is slightly off-topic but it is a good question. Link baiting is a fair, honest, rewarding and natural way of influencing a webpage's off-site ranking factors.

The best way to do this is by creating exceptional, unique, intelligent and authoritative content; a little controversial is good too. If your web page has something that no other webpage has then it is fodder for link bait. Have a breakthrough idea, link bait. Just invented something new, link bait. Have an intelligent political perspective, link bait. You get the picture?

...Also, a link exchange campaign would help..

Actually, link exchanging has been on Google's chopping blocks for a few months now. There is however one type of link exchange that may work, may work. That's when the partnering webpages are so close in nature that the search engine assumes it is a natural, real world business partnership. Any link swapping mission other than that is pointless and of no significant value to either the search engine or the odd Internet visitor that follows links on these incredibly ridiculous looking "resources" pages.

If you want traffic from search engine then there are two ways,
1- paid listing through PPC
2- organic listing through SEO
PPC is handy if you need instant traffic but if you want organic traffic then SEO is the best.


Thanks for all the important information. Can some one also helps me in finding the sites where we can use link baiting to promote websites.

I just know two of them. One is Hub pages and other is Squidoo. I will be obliged if I can more information.


link bait is indeed an extremely powerful tool when it comes to SEO. It increases your web traffic many fold. What is link bait? link bait is any content, resource, directory, list, image etc which is valuable for your reader. it can be informative/ humorous etc depending upon your nature of business. in short its something that your client values a lot and prefers it over others.

you can promote your link bait on your desired social media portal to pull the traffic to your website. All you need to do is to create awareness that you have something that others don't and they will automatically come to you.

senior consultant, logo design company

try to work with google adwords
it can bring a lot of traffic

You must used SEO method to increase traffic...With on page optimization anda off page optimization...

Thanks and hope it helps

Hi, blackhatseo

I don't think only original or attractive contents would increase your traffics. You must work to expose your sites before your potential visitors. I would recommend social media for this purpose. :)

Back link helps generate traffic. To create links, engaging on the techniques like blog commenting, forum posting, article submission, social bookmarking and networking, press release, classified ads, link wheel and hub page helps.

for me try submitting links on all marketing avenues everyday, maybe 10-15 each, it would work. and for the article submission it should be done twice a week so it will not determine as a spam.

Few methods are quite effective : article submission to top article dir, and forum posting1

You must choose a relevant and right keyword to your'e sites, because keyword is most important to increase traffic...


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