Hi all,

i am doing a seo for a wedsite[wedding website].My backlink is quite good ,but still my page rank is 2 only.

Please check my backlink and suggest me good idea for increasing page rank


Hi all,

i am doing a seo for a wedsite[wedding website].My backlink is quite good ,but still my page rank is 2 only.

Please check my backlink and suggest me good idea for increasing page rank


Pay attention to your on-site ranking factors. Read about them here:Title, description, content, image names/attributes, webpage names ... emphasizing

Pay attention to your on-site ranking factors. Read about them here:Title, description, content, image names/attributes, webpage names ... emphasizing

Here are other factors you need to consider with regards to On-Page Optimization:

heading tags (h1/h2)

Just build related link to your site and choose a site with high PR.

having strong backlinks is a good thing, but still it's not the only factor that affects your ranking. As mentioned earlier, there are other important things; you have to pay attention to your use of keywords, and always update your website with fresh original content.

Don't be concerned with what the Google toolbar says your PR is. Focus on on-page seo and building backlinks and use Google Analytics to track trends in how much traffic you receive from the search engines.

Basically links with high PR and that are related to wedding.

You can do onsite and offsie seo.
first start doing offsite seo in which u can do Link Building and Directory submission.
after that start doing Social bookmarking


Submit your site related to your niche.

Related backlinks from high PR sites and quality content can help increase your PR. I don't mind PR much, What's important to me is to rank on SERP because it will generate more traffic to your site and that's important..

The more QUALITY of inbound links that you are getting, the higher chances for your site to get high PR. In order to create inbound links, here are some of the strategies that helps:

article submission
blog commenting
forum posting
press release
social bookmarking
link wheel

I think keeping you on site contents up to date and originally while building enough backlinks using your targeted keywords in anchor text for niche relative while dofollow sources would be enough for page rank purpose. :)

Have a nice day,

1. Make sure that you are fine with ONSITE SEO setup
2. You update your content frequently
3. Get backlinks from your niche related content
4. Get more backlinks from the webpages with GOOD PR & less OUTBOUND links.

Lots of backlinks are great, but the quality of the web site defines your credibility.

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