Hello Friends

I was wondering if getting backlinks from irrelevant sites with low or no PR will affect my site PR?
Please help me with this.


Yes it does. Google PageRank take this into consideration. You have to be careful where you post.

it is always better to link with higher PR than yours or relevant. Try to aviod lower PR sites

Yes, more care to get the back links. Get the links from the relevant high pr site. Google looks and consider this to the page rank.

over all it depends on site age, if the site is more than 3 years old, than spamming wont matter IMO

Yes, that will affect your existing PR. It is always more advisable to get backlinks from the domain which has more PR than your PR. As well as try to get more backlinks from the pages which do have good PR & less outbound links, That will help you to be safe always.

A few irrelevant links won't hurt in the grand scheme of things; and really.. don't get caught up worrying about Google Toolbar PageRank. Instead focus on driving qualified and targeted traffic. And to do that.. you're gonna want to get cited from relevant resources.

Just thought I'd mention to you fine folks that there is no such a thing as a PR5 web site or a PR0 web site or a PR10 website.

There are however, PR0 web pages, like there are PR6 web pages.

A web site may in fact have a PR5 landing page (entrance page, splash page, cover page <--old school SEO derived from publication term), then it could have 20,000 PR1 web pages behind it; where most likely a link to your shit will be found. That'll be sweet eh? Go chase that.

Also as Jay noted, Google PageRank has little influence on where your web page will rank in a keyphrase competition, if at all. You should be focusing on increasing your webpages' search engine results pages performances rather than seeking stuff that ultimately hinder your web page success stories, if only by distracting you from what's important (SERP successes).

In today's upside down world, PageRank is only really useful to the Internet marketers who perpetuate the illusion that it is somehow the SEO pot of gold.

Shit, PR isn't hardly even useful to Google. They already know how to count; they found that out the first week they released this monstrocity, this green bar pumping mania that worked well, for about a week.

Lately I've been wondering: what capitalistically driven experiment are they readying to unleash to mankind next?

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