Hi all - I have a website which i have been trying to rank - I have built many backlinks but can not rank for my keywords. I do rank for other words and am certainly indexed by google but for some reason i am no where to be seen for my desired keywords for which i have optimised around - any help would be great

have you done any competitive analysis? What do the top 10 sites (for those keyword terms) have that your site doesn't have? Perhaps a greater amount of relevant content... or... a better quality of content?

What you need to do is to get backlinks with PR from authority sites. It can speed up the process if you can find some powerful PR5/6 dofollow links doing that.

i think it is nature to met sanbox problem

Hi all - I have a website which i have been trying to rank - I have built many backlinks but can not rank for my keywords. I do rank for other words and am certainly indexed by google but for some reason i am no where to be seen for my desired keywords for which i have optimised around - any help would be great

what is your domain mate and they keyword your after?

Sandbox is there for new sites and no site could avoid such a period. I think building backlinks from those niche relative and authority sites would be really helpful for shortening such period. :)

Have a nice day,

Hi all - I have a website which i have been trying to rank - I have built many backlinks but can not rank for my keywords. I do rank for other words and am certainly indexed by google but for some reason i am no where to be seen for my desired keywords for which i have optimised around - any help would be great

First You need to do a seo analysis for your desired keywords.
you need to know how much effort is required to compete for those keywords.

As long as you are not spamming link directories and showing too many backlinks real quick, you should be fine.

Well Google sandbox is for the new sites which want to rank high on Google search engine.It acts just like a probation for the site and prevent it from spam.I think you should try this.

Google Sand Box means throwing the index page in to Dust Bin. To avoiding we should follow the rules and guidelines of Google

From my understanding and please correct me if Im wrong, but the Google Sandbox is also for sites that have done Black hat SEO and are penalized so these sites dont appear on SERPS.

In order to avoid Google Sandbox your search engine optimization should be natural in general. But one of the most important factors influencing Google Sandbox is too many & too quickly built backlinks!

So to bypass Google Sandbox you need to build or buy links to your website slowly. The speed of link building to your site should be natural, SEO Friendly.


The best way is to get backlinks slowly and add content frequently.

just don't try blackhat SEO technics and you will not get sandbox :)

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