Hi Everybody,
I have an account on twitter and facebook and I have almost 1800 followers on twitter and now I created account on face book and I have almost 50 frnds on face book. Now I want to using these sites for traffic purpose. Please suggest me which site can be most effective for increase site traffic.

Thanks in advance

Both will be helpful to increase traffic, but facebook traffic will provide more conversion rate than twitter.

I totally agree that Twitter and FB are both very effective in driving traffic. So, it would be better if you use them both as equal. Increase your followers on Twitter, obviously add more friends on FB but now just random, try to choose among them potential customers, visitors or partners or at least who is more or less interested in service you provide.

Kind regards,

If you have the time and the budget, why not go through all of these so that you could maximize your traffic? Pick one, I'd have to say it's twitter. Much more powerful search and you don't have to be friends with a lot of people to get your message out.

In my own experiences, twitter would be more helpful in generating traffics though it might have a lower conversion rate. Personally, I think the search feature on twitter would be the best and used by many visitors to my sites.


According to my point of view both are good to make visitors as many as you can! really will increase site traffic.

If you are looking to drive targeted traffic organically (through the network, not through their respective advertising platforms), you really have to commit to updating your status regularly with engaging information and topics. You will also want to engage some of your followers/fans directly as this will help establish sense of community and loyalty amongst members.

It also doesn't hurt to announce special promotions or giveaways. It seems that a lot of social networking users are obsessed with promotions and contests.

Both are very effective social networking resources for getting more traffic for website. If you have more followers and friends in these account then you can share your web pages with them.

Both facebook and twitter are good. But I prefer Twitter.

Both, Facebook and Twitter will increase your traffic, I prefer using both.

Both the sites are very good sites for providing traffic. And Stumbleupon providing better traffic than these sites for my site.

ya really i m using both for my site and i have found positive response ....now my traffic increase tree times ...

I am using both right now, according to me twitter is the best compare to Facebook.

Of course both twitter or facebook are good in increasing the traffic. but if some one say to choose than I choose twitter because i found more traffic to my website from twitter in comparison of facebook.

Both the sites are very good sites for providing traffic. And Stumbleupon providing better traffic than these sites for my site.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions!
Can you share with me that what strategies you are using to get traffic from stumble upon.

Hi,Both will be very effective to increase the traffic.But I prefer Twitter.


My vote goes to Twitter...It's really worth..

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