Hi Everyone,
I have an account on stumble upon but I have only idea about stumble upon. I want to know that how can I used it in effective way so that I can generate traffic for my site from stumble upon.

Thanks in advance for your useful guidance!

Nothing big to do, you can simply post your links on stumble with proper keywords and title. It will brings you a good traffic.

There is only one purpose of that socialbookmarking website - to help others gain a traffic. What you need - submit regulary your webpages over there. Really not a big deal.

All the best,

The link juice that you get from social bookmarking sites help your SEO too :)

There is only one purpose of that socialbookmarking website - to help others gain a traffic.

Well you are half right. There is one purpose for "Social Bookmarking," but it is not to "help others gain traffic." It is for bookmarking websites that you find interesting so that you can then access this catalog at anytime from any internet connection. Yea.. you can submit your web pages and pray that the content is good enough to go viral, but a vast majority of the traffic generated from these sites is irrelevant or unqualified - meaning that they will not buy your products or click on your adsense. It's a bad idea and ultimately a big waste of time to try to game "social bookmarking" sites. Juice ain't worth the squeeze.

In my own experiences, you would get direct traffic from search engines like Google via putting your links and reviews on stumble upon if only you could use your targeted keywords correctly, especially for those long tail keywords.

Have a nice day,

Make sure you have lots of friends on stumbleupon. It can help your site, but I wouldn't count on it.

Thanks Everyone!
Your provided information will be useful for me for generate traffic for my site. You suggestions will be really beneficial for me.

Thanks Everyone!
Your provided information will be useful for me for generate traffic for my site. You suggestions will be really beneficial for me.

Do use the shared information and start posting over Stumble upon and see what outcome you get.

If you get reviews for the links you added in your profile, you will get tons of traffic. I remember I got around 3000 visitors in 4 days for a single review.
But, the traffic is not too good...no one ever clicks your ads

Try these steps it will help you

1) Register your account with Stumbleupon.
2)Use Stumbleupon toolbar to share articles with your Friends.
3)Submit your RSS favourites.
4)Make friends.
5)Send your new article to your friends.

I work with a fiction magazine that gets a significant number of hits via StumbleUpon. One thing that you can do besides submitting your pages is to provide a way for your readers to submit it to StumbleUpon (and other sites such as delicious, reddit and digg) as well.

Also make sure that you include the appropriate tags as well as an interesting summary, with the most engaging part in the first sentence, in order to encourage people to click.

Follow the below steps, it will help you in increasing the traffic.

1) Don't Stumble Your Own Content.
2) Stumble a Variety of Content from a Variety of Sources.
3) Always use Great Titles and Descriptions.
4) Make Friends.
5) Use One Account and One Identity.

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