Can anybody plz suggest how to target our keywords in link building techniques like articles,forum,blog commenting,classifieds etc. Please reply an appropriate answer.

you can try google keyword external :)

check google adword tool and build links on all marketing avenues


I think keywords would be based on your niche but not on promoting channels. Generally speaking, you need to have a thorough understanding on your niches and then brainstorm some relative words to be used on Google Adwords keywords tool. Also, analyzing your top 10 competitors' title tags would be a useful shortcut.

have a nice day,

7 ways to use keyword for link buliding:

1.Identify Your MDFK and $KW SERPs Dominators
2.MDFKs for Industry Link Opportunity Analysis
3.MDFKs for Competitive Link Analysis
4.Connecting Existing Linkable Assets to Keywords
5.MDKWs + Link Building Query Operators
6.Getting Your Money Keywords in Anchor Text with Guest Posts
7.Getting Money Keywords in Anchor Text with Outreach Requests

just keyword research which you want target and choose that who has good search volume

You should to pick the right keyword that you think visitors will use it in searching specific product. Then use that keyword in as your anchor text on your link.

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