Hi Everone,
Following are some effective SEO tips which are suitable for newbies and these tips will help to improve website traffic in search engine :

1. Each web page should focus on a single keyword or keyword phrase. Your keywords should appear in title tag and content with bold text. Check the density of keywords i.e. 3 to 5% of the content of the page. There are some free online tools where you check keyword density. If the density is higher in the content than search engine will not give importance to your content and website and you will not gain anything at the end.

2. Your select appropriate title tag for each web page. Title tag is the most important SEO tools in search engine. Your title should be unique, clear and concise and proper placement of keywords used in a title tag. More visitors come to your site if your title is unique and useful.

3. You can design a site or blog in such way that should be search engine friendly and user friendly. Many visitors come to your site due to its good architecture and design. Use appropriate ALT tags for all your photos. Avoiding the use of frames, flash and javascript.

4. Content is a king of SEO : Good content can be in the form of words, videos, audio, widgets, etc. If you write unique and fresh content than more visitors come to your site to read content, and in this way search engine will quickly index your site and you will achieve higher ranking and increase SERP of website in search engine.

5. Link building is a effective technique where you send link to other site, and other site or blog send link back to you. There are many ways to get back links towards your site. The more number of incoming links to your site, the higher will be the rank of the site in search engine. Building links on different sites like article submission, press release submission, link exchange with other webmasters, directory submission and social bookmarking, social networking etc.

nice share man , will keep in mind :) thanks

Both on-site & off-site optimization is essential to get traffic and your tips on generating traffic is good.This will definitely help in achieving good rank in search engines for your keywords.But for this you'll have to be efficient enough than your competitors.


Thanks for your post. In my own experiences, using unique and fresh contents on our pages would be helpful for PR purpose and fresh contents would also usually be helpful for SERP purpose but might be not guarantee for traffic purpose. Fresh, niche relative and keyword oriented contents would be the essential for all above, IMO. :)

all the best,

Effective Tips to Improve Website Traffic are as beelow :

1. Offer free, original, and quality content on your site.
2. Trying to get more backlinks on your website this may help to increase the traffic.
3. Improve your search engine ranking by focusing your content on keywords related to your topic.
4. Get Linked
5. Advertise your presence.
6. Give freebies.
7. Be patient.

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