
I have learned a lot lately from this forum about the tips of how to do the SEO to index well on major search engines. What I have learned the tips and applied them to my sites and blogs are link building (web directy and article directory submission), social bookmarking submission, etc.

So, what is the best search engine optimization strategy?

Do I still miss anything? (from what I have been currently using so far of non-paid marketing strategies)

Any tip is appreciated.

Thanks very much.

In SEO, there are on-page/on-site optimizable components and then there are off-site influences (link building). On-site SEO in fact constitutes most of what real search engine optimization is all about. Effective on-page SEO requires honed skills that need to be developed over time and with experience whereas link building is a no brainer and can be implemented by the average first grader.

Get it? On-site optimizers have genuine SEO skills. They do not manipulate the search engines; whereas link builders are SEO wannabees' relying on tricking the search engines into determining that their webpages have importance due to the volume, relevancy and credibility of incoming links pointing to their webpages. One type of SEO is predictable, sustainable and powerful whereas the other is inconsistent and generally temporary.


The best search engine optimization strategy is,
as you know there are different steps in SEO ie
onpage optimization and
offpage optimization..
With these 2 steps,SEO is mainly focused rather than this,
you can concentrate on:
using keyword which you need to be found for,
submit thier article to social bookmarking,
you can use social networking sites like twitter, facebook etc
to promote their work,
and you can create innovative content which you want you link for..


The best search engine optimization strategy is,

as you know there are different steps in SEO ie
onpage optimization and
offpage optimization..

With these 2 steps,SEO is mainly focused rather than this,
you can concentrate on:

using keyword which you need to be found for,
submit thier article to social bookmarking,
you can use social networking sites like twitter, facebook etc
to promote their work,
and you can create innovative content which you want you link for..


The best search engine optimization strategy is,

as you know there are different steps in SEO ie
onpage optimization and
offpage optimization..

With these 2 steps,SEO is mainly focused strong link building, rather than this,
you can concentrate on:

using keyword which you need to be found for,
submit thier article to social bookmarking,
you can use social networking sites like twitter, facebook etc
to promote their work,
and you can create innovative content which you want you link for..

Well i will suggest you to do email marketing and some video marketing.. These will also help you to get better results along with the techniques that you are already using!

There are lot of things which you can try in SEO. Lets say you can do blog commenting, Forum discussions, link exchanges.

Can email marketing help in SEO?

Well.I believe in on-page SEO techniques.Because these are sustainable and not temporary.Beside this email marketing is also a best tool if done with great technique.

Blog commenting, doing forums, taking quality link building are helpful.

I am doing every submission in every search engines and directories and classfieds...but i am nt able to be the best atleast in the top..can u list me some classified and page rank serch engine .

Micheal what are the good techiques of doing e mail marketing?

Well, Link building through different ways is one strategy. There are also some strategies like SMO, Keyword Analysis, Meta-tag description and many more.

Well SEO is always an guessing game with an search engines changing their ranking algorithms constantly,but tips mentioned out here are always good one in the SEO....

Thanks for share.

I think that off-page optimization is the main if you want to defeat your competitors.

On the other hand you can do lots of promotional stuff by using it.


In my own experiences, below steps would be needed for SEO purpose:
1. perform a thorough keyword research about your current niche and generate a list of effective keywords
2. using your targeted keywords in on-page and off-page optimization according to ranking factors (please refer to http://www.seomoz.org/article/search-ranking-factors#overview)
3. As for backlinking purpose, I think contextual links from niche relative sources with right anchor text would be the best ones no matter you get them via blog commenting, blogging or article submission. :)

all the best,

Try to get an authority site in your niche to link to your site.

That is pretty much good, if you just talk about off page SEO. You are completely missing you onpage SEO. That is also equally important as off page seo.

the best techniques are basic seo techniques that is on page optimization and off page optimization.if on page optimization is properly done then off page optimization should be done.

the most important is website content

The SEO strategies that really work are social book marking ,Blogs and forum posting.link building etc

Link wheel, article submission, blog comments, yahoo answer, forum posting, link submission, guest blog post, social media and social network marketing are one of the most effective SEO techniques.

In best SEO strategy you should focus on Onpage and Offpage.
First you need to define your business keywords and do onpage optimization according these keywords.
Now you to cover all off page optimization techniques. And also you should focus on your business keywords which you have defined.

On-site optimizers have genuine SEO skills. They do not manipulate the search engines; whereas link builders are SEO wannabees' relying on tricking the search engines into determining that their webpages have importance due to the volume, relevancy and credibility of incoming links pointing to their webpages. One type of SEO is predictable, sustainable and powerful whereas the other is inconsistent and generally temporary.

i don't think everyone will agree with u, u r saying on site optimize is more important than off site ?

E mail marketing is a great way to create good and reliable back Links for your sites apart from this directory, blogs and forum is also great Offpage SEO techniques.

In my openion, the best search engine optimization strategy is on- page optimization and off- page optimization techniques. both techniques are really helps to increase PR of your website..

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