I am trying to get higher pr for my site too but unable to go above pr1. I hope I will reach atleast pr 4 or pr5.

Can anyone recommend me good method to get high pr for my site?

Increase quality and high pr backlinks. Do article submission, bookmarking, participate in forums, comments on relevant blogs helps to increase pagerank.

Well for starters, you've come to the right place as daniweb is full of valuable advice. What you need do is follow through and all the suggestions given in this forum, persist and persevere and most of all, be patient.

Achieving a high pagerank cannot be done in a single day. Most of the sites you see with high pagerank have gained their pagerank over several years.

get the link on the pr pages in other sites try to comment on blogs which are dofollow and has page rank on perticular page and google had not ranked any site since April so we have to be patent...


In my own experiences, below 2 channels would both be essential for your purpose:
1. updating your sites or blogs with original niche relative contents regularly
2. increasing dofollowed back links from higher PR sources, especially from niche relative authority sources.

all the best,

Keyword density is still per cent compared to the rest of the text in the keyword appears in content. In general, this metric is a fairly useless for SEO. I as a script it better than you would focus on other metrics do not bother building. You might find this reference useful.

I am trying to get higher pr for my site too but unable to go above pr1. I hope I will reach atleast pr 4 or pr5.

Can anyone recommend me good method to get high pr for my site?

To get high PR you should have to work on ethical white hat seo and back link from good pr website having same theme or from some trusted website like .edu, .org.

To increase PR of site, you can go in for building high quality links which would ultimately help in increasing PR of the site.Also one can go for Link Exchange services which would increase page rank of the site

Build quality backlinks and keep updating your website as search engine point of view. this will help you to increase page rank.

I have the same problem ,other people talk me to add quality backlinks.

To improve your page rank you should build quality back link, keep in mind quality is better than quantity .

Summit article and comment blog or forum. That's all good way.

To increase the PR of the site, you can make in building high quality links that would ultimately help to increase publicity for site.Also you can go to connect the Exchange services that will increase the PageRank of the site and Build quality backlinks and continuously update your website as a point of view the search engine. this will help you increase Page Rank.

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