Hi friends,
I m a PHP programmer and very new to SEO process. I m in the work of a movie information web portal. And my doubt is

Is there is any relation with web hosting and SEO ?
Any additional features or technologies needed for hosting in successful SEO ?

Which hosting you guys prefer ? ( I mean the server or trusted hosting company )

Please advise
Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Living-seo-life

There is some relation between Hosting and SEO.The main thing is if you have a site targeting Australia its best to host the site from a server in Australia. Server downtime should be minimum.

Another factor effects SEO is the IP address. Its best to have dedicated IP address. Or if you share the IP then action taken by those site can effect your Rankings.

You should consider a host with all latest tools and language supported, they come as defaults with most good web host provider.

Personally I use hostmonster.com to host my sites and I am very happy with their performances.

Hope this will solve your problem if you need any additional info please let me know.

Basically what Living-seo-life said

Have a dedicated IP address. And try to host in the country you're targeting. If not just for SEO, but because your website visitors will be able to establish a connection with the server quicker.

Hi friends,
I m a PHP programmer and very new to SEO process. I m in the work of a movie information web portal. And my doubt is

Is there is any relation with web hosting and SEO ?
Any additional features or technologies needed for hosting in successful SEO ?

Which hosting you guys prefer ? ( I mean the server or trusted hosting company )

Please advise
Thanks in advance

Consider an IP address like a really big house. Let's say that you live in that house with many other people. Now, if all your room-mates are low-life scumbags and the house has an established bad reputation in town then, without even knowing who you are, you are judged negatively right off the bat because of where you live. It'll be a challenge to change the town's mind.

Back to search engines. Why force the search engine to take additional time in deciding whether your web pages are just more spam from a bad neighbourhood?

Hosting is so important for SEO. For example, if you want to get top10 on google.com because your prospect is american, you should choose hosting the site from server on usa. Please also consider down time because if you site is often down, Google doesn't like you site.

Hosting is important in the sense of location and IP others than the content of the page.
Just try to share, if you want to target search result from US for example,
1. Domain should be .com
2. Hosted location should be in US
3. If possible, IP have to be dedicated.
4. Stable hosting and less downtime
5. Consider user friendly URL if using PHP or ASP.NET. Rewrite the URL
Hope this help.

OK guys.....
Thank you all for your helping mind... Really I m happy .... Thank you guys thanks .....

Excuse me friends ,
Can any one suggest me such a Hosting provider in India ?

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