Google recently changed its search ranking algorithm, how do we in the internet marketing business cope with these changes. What steps can be taken to increase a website’s ranking as per the latest Google update?

As per the latest update one need to get the more quality traffic to the site and specially more traffic from the social media. And due to the quality traffic it will help to get the rank well for your site.

You can use lots of techniques to improve websites ranking, something like:
1) Have original, authentic content to the best possible extent.
2) Build quality back links. More back links means more traffic to your link.
3) Try social networking for back links as those websites get probably maximum traffic the entire day.
4) Join forums, discussions will yield you some good back links.

Hi i am ballinderry,yeah recently google has changed the page ranks,if you want to increase your site page rank try to submit more directories.

Google is CONSTANTLY changing their algorithm, and it's not really possible for you to keep up with them, because no one ever knows what it is they're tweaking. Google Panda, for example, supposedly targeted content farms and duplicate content. Google's latest big algorithm update supposedly targeted freshness and more recent/updated content and downplayed evergreen content.

The best answer is read everyday the google webmaster central blog on blogspot, read matt cutts blog and then decide yourself what could be done to compliment the update. Since google is almost every week doing some changes in its ranking algorithm so you first need to know what the changes are then the action can be decided.

I would suggest 'Stick to the basics'. Contents play a major role in on site optimization.

Everyone talks about quality back links but from where to get quality backlinks? This is my website how can i get quality back links to it. I currently have 3400 backlinks

Actually it is already expected that Google's algorithm will change time to time. Keeping up with the current is actually the best way to cope with the changing system. Posting a good quality article without copying or duplicating from online resources is a classic strategy. Do these techniques too: social media marketing and linkwheels. They'd give you traffic in no time. It worked for me. Only avoid duplicate content. use fresh content, build quality back links from forums with do follow sites & Blog creation and commenting.

In my opinion use fresh and quality content. And never use Black hat techniques. Remove all the spamming links and also so much advertisement.

Make sure to have unique, relevant, high quality content. For sure you could gain more backlinks not only the ranking.

Getting Traffics from social media website will increase your ranking according to latest seo updates.

build nude links from good niche..................

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