
My dating sites got indexed on Google.com. However, when I search for the same keywords on Google international sites like www.google.ru, these keywords are not indexed on the same position.

Do I need to change anything on my dating sites?


I didn't understand your meaning about www.google.ru International ??

www.google.ru, is a kind of country specific extension not International. See Google has unique data center for every country, result may different according to data center used.

If you wanna get ranked on www.google.ru then develop your website according to that country and get some backlinks sites which are hosting and their extension are from that country

i am totally agree with Clark if you want to up your site rank in s specific country do some social forum and directory submission for the targeted country, the international website of google is

There is nothing called Google International. Google.com itself is international, to be country specific use classifieds, directories and forum. Also do regional listing as well.

Yes Jhonden is right International is Google.com one of my website too is having the same problem internationally it is on the first page but on Google.in (India) it is on the forth page. you can see this keyword search word " travel agent kashmir " http:www.travelagentkashmir.com thanks, Jhonden your advise has really helped me too.

Clarkjackson said the exact remedy. Google usually prefer to rank local sites first. So you have work targeting those specific countries. Not difficult, just find the specific sites hosted in those countries.

If you wanna get ranked on www.google.ru then develop your website according to that country and get some backlinks sites which are hosting and their extension are from that country

agreed to Clarkjackson. You must search links for particle region (www.google.ru)and need to create backlink with the sites having extension of abc.ru. This may works.

The best way to rank internationally is to build quality back links from international domains, for which you can do directory submission, blog commenting, forum links and so on.

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