As the Google is goin to stricting theire polices , where SEo stand after few month

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I think the future of SEO going to be more bright..As internet marketing hold its place so strongly...

it is not so much difficult to change your polices according to the Google update , you have to molde you techniques also as new update is on the scene

Google always updates their techniques for good results, so you have to keep yourself always updates with the new algorithms. And you have to always apply ethical ways of promotion so that you can get long term results for your business from the search engines

Seo future is bright.

SEO is the most important part of your business take top level position and SEO is must to every business in future.

Yes, SEO future is very bright

Bright future of SEO because now google wants Quality work and unique content.

I think that the Google + will be implemented into the algorithm pretty soon

There will be challenges in the future for seo. But I think there always will be the need for seo. At the end up an update, google still has to index all of the websites, right?

hhmmmm in my opinion SEO is best factor in internet marketing.

I think in future seo worth will be greater as compared to the present situation

I don't think there will be some specific way or technique to follow in the future.. All we need to do is..think differently to obtain back links and stick with a good position in google. Or by other something to pacify google and you are done...;)

If anything, there is MORE demand now for SEO services than ever-- though that encompasses more than ever before, media, blogging, and content are really important nowadays.

Will be bright, even small companies looking for seo people to market their brand.

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