Hey freinds after started with blogging with my first blog result and answer key and then tried to get visitor by sharing it to social sites like facebook etc, i came to know about the term 'Search engine optimization'. And after researching and learning seo techniques and impleminting them for my blog I am here with my question: What is the current position and future of internet marketing and online shopping in india. Because in my research i found that most individual seo, blogger, site owners, offering to sale things themselves are not purchasing. The most of indians have not computer, and rest those who have computers have not internet, and those who have internet have very slow speed connection "internet speed in india is really very slow and frustrating". After crossing all these hurdles when a person prepared to shop online. He thinks that is'nt is a fraud chinese product and he ends up with decision to buy it from local market. Very few people order and they also face problems like internet bankings, courier services etc. I know that advertising on internet really help companies to publicize their product. Thats all. Now tell me your views and share your knowledge.
dimple.chaudhary.963 0 Newbie Poster

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