Hi ,

lastweek, a customer asked me to do a seo for his web site. I have work with google analytic and have done SEO for serveral websites and I have done drupal SEO.(after styding several video leassons). Problem is I am bit unsure whether I can handle that project witth my this knoweldge. I know it is a SEO big area. most probably I will get this site with drupal CMS.

I want you guys perception. and any comment

thanks in adavance..

I would say the first thing you should do is either learn how to spell and use grammar correctly or use a spell checker everywhere you post messages as well as within in the code of the page.

Can you expalin what are that SEO areas you have read about. To handle the project there are lots of parameter through which we can able to track & handle the projects.

Yes, you should give us more information on type of SEO techniques that you already know. But you can give this client's site a try so you can know how good your SEO knowledge is.

You know better about your seo knowledge, If you need any help you can tell us we can help you for handling your seo project on this fourm .

i think you should take help any experinced guy, who had handled some projects and try to update yourself according to google updates it will help you alot to go in right direction.

I agree with Lorel - first learn how to write well in English. Then you'll need to understand basic HTML. After that you'll need to learn about important page elements that can be optimised - title, description, anchors, images, paragraphs, headings ...

it is really well said by canadafred. all these element we need to learn. i want to ask is there any good online tutorial from where we can learn the lateset onpage seo, i mean to say i want to gain knowledge for on page optimization.

i mean to say i want to gain knowledge for on page optimization.

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