hi all... pls help me to fix this..
google webmaster tools showing some of the links as '404' crawl errors in my wordpress site.... and its increasing day by day... actually there is no such links or files are present in the site...

here is the example for crawl errors...

http://www.asdasdasd.com/products.php   404     2/19/2013   Not found
http://www.asdasdasd.com/portfolio9.php 404     2/18/2013   Not found

any help... tnx in advnc

Member Avatar for LastMitch

how to fix the crawl errors

The question you ask is more related to PHP section because you are using RE-mod on the htaccess file.

This is very simple relink those old two php file to the new ones (if there is no new one then relink to the new category in your website):

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^.*$
RewriteRule ^products.php\.php$ "http\:\/\/www\.asdasdasd\.com\/products\.php" [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^.*$
RewriteRule ^portfolio9.php\.php$ "http\:\/\/www\.asdasdasd\.com\/portfolio9\.php" [R=301,L]

By doing that it will remove 404 error page and redirect to the new page.

You also need to relink your whole directary so things can go faster:

Redirect /path/public_html/ http://www.asdasdasd.com


When you go to the url, is it really a 404 error. If so you have to track down the right feed location.

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Member Avatar for LastMitch

but i still have a doubt, how to relink

You shouldn't used word doubt because you don't know.

There's a big difference between doubt and not knowing.


What is portfolio?

Is it a page or a folder?

If it's a file is it: php or html?

Try this:

RewriteRule ^portfolio$ /portfolio9.php [L]
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