Please help..

What site?
What post?
Why do you want it deleted?
Is it against the terms and conditions of posting at that site?
Is it illegal?
Have you tried reading the help/FAQ about posts at the site concerned?

Different site has different structure, so please let us know the sites from which you want to delete your posts.
Some sites provide post delete option in profile page, some live link(for user only), some site remove post automatically, So please let us know site name from which you want to delete your post

I think it is not possible ....

On which social media site you want to delete post, there are lot of sites avaliable over the network.

It should be as easy as logging in to your account and deleting it.
For example, if I log in to my Delicious account, I can select the bookmark, and then choose to delete it.
All the other social bookmarking sites offer similar features.
I don't understand why you would think you can not delete a bookmark; after all, they are your bookmarks, which you have saved for your convenience.

Login to your account, then select your post which you want to delete then click on the delete option.
And different sites has different structure. So read instructions carefully for delete your post.

hello dear

It is so easy think for social bookmarking. login to your site and select your post,the site will be provide the delete option to title bellow

Ok but not for all site's, we remove our post...

It depends upon the social networking site you are using.

Some of the Social Book marking websites give such a access to the user and some are not. So it depends on site to site.

Its very simple just go to your profile page and then delete your post.

You can not delete your posting from bookmarking, it may depend on the some bookmarking sites

Any help how to delete post in social bookmarking site

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