What is the difference between directory submission and directory listing ?

In directory Submission we do list our business or website in other directories sites to get the taffic, and Direcory listing means we are having own directory site and we list it in other sites to increase the submission of links in our directory website.

Correct !

And the Importance of Directory Submission in SEO:-

1.Your site will be indexed regularly
2.It helps to create quality backlinks
3.It helps to increase your search engine ranking.....

Thank you...:)

A directory listing is a listing of web sites organized in a hierarchy or interconnected list of category and subcategory. A well optimized directory listing helps to process of directory submissions for effective link building.

A directory submission is a service that added your website to the proper category in a searchable online directory which enhances your site’s visibility and creates relevant inbound links to your website.

now there is no need to do directory insted of it increase your bookmark submissions and forum postings

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