What is sitemap? How to create sitemap?

Hello saibaba123,
A sitemap is something so search engines such as Google or Bing can know what pages your site has like whats their titles and url here is a website that will construct a sitemap that you can then upload to Google Webmaster Tools.

A sitemap is also something users can refer to if they are looking for something on a website that cannot be found easly kind of like an index in a book people will look there to find where the section they are looking for is located.

Hope this helps you.

A sitemap which is having list of web pages of web site, those are accessible to the web crawlers and users, which is usually in xml format.

Sitemap contains links of all page in our website. Sitemap helps search engine while crwaling website.

sitemap helps google to know about the site's links and main topics.
Sitemap contain the whole addressess of site :P

Sitemap helps the user and the search engine bots to easily find pages on your site. There are two popular 

versions of a sitemap. XML sitemap which is designed for search engine purposes and HTML sitemaps for the user's convenience. 

To create Sitemap manually based on the Sitemap protocol: 

1.Create a text file and save it with a .xml extension.
2. Add the following to the top of the file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

3.Add the following to the bottom of the file:

4.Create an entry for each URL. The <loc> tag is required; the others are optional.


5.Upload your Sitemap to your site. Then submit it to Google using Webmaster Tools.


Sitemap is of 3 types i.e XML, HTML, Text
XML is for search engine purpose.
HTML and Text both are for use purpose.
You can search in Google for for sitemap generator tool.
Sitemap contains inbound link or pages of a site.

Sitemap is one of the page which contains all the links of the websites, so it will be helpful for web crawlers to crawl all the links and indexed it on search engines like Google, yahoo etc..

A site map is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. the best way to create your site map is by using xml site map creator which are mostly available for free.

A Sitemap allows you to create a file hosted among the other files in your account that informs the search engines of all pages your website contains. In other words, it provides the search engine with detailed information about the content of your website.

A site map is a visual or textually organized model of a Web site's content that allows the users to navigate through the site to find the information they are looking for, just as a traditional geographical map helps people find places they are looking for in the real world.

It simply tells about the structure of your site

It is the list of URLs pages of a website.

Sitemap contain all the links of website. Sitemap is very impoartant for ranking website.

Sitemap helps search engine while crawling website. Sitemap means collection of all the links in website.

Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling,Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL,so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site.

Site map is a key to instruct to a google crawlers if we did any changes in our web site, through on site map all the new page r crawlers us soon by google.

Sitemap is of two types.
Html sitemap
Xml sitemap
Xml sitemap allow the crawler to crawl easily.

A sitemap is also something users can refer to if they are looking for something on a website that cannot be found easly kind of like an index in a book people will look there to find where the section they are looking for is located.

Ofcourse , Sitemap is used to instruct the google crawler,if that pages has any changes .

A list of pages or links of website acessible to crawlers and users.XML and HTML are the two popular versions of sitemap.In simple wording we can say index page to sitemap.

Sitemap is nothing but the list of URL's that your website have.. To generate sitemap you can use xml-sitemaps.com

Site mape is root map to our site ,Site mape is used to indicate google about our every single web pages...

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