I have a web site wich offer free sms, logo ringtone wallpaper. Thinks related to mobiles but not sure what categori to choose. Any help plz?

Simply resubmit. :) All of your link statistics will be kept the same, and you won't have to go through being in the queue again, but the title, description, and link back URL will be updated.

Simply resubmit. :) All of your link statistics will be kept the same, and you won't have to go through being in the queue again, but the title, description, and link back URL will be updated.

Ok all set thanks Dani.

Is your link currently in the queue? http://www.daniweb.com/directory/queue.php

Did you link back to DaniWeb at the URL you submitted into the directory? If not, your link will automatically be removed because this is a link swap directory.

Sure I have linked back to daniWeb, you can see the link here : www.smsperty.com.
Do I have to submit again my URL, or my request have been denied?

Now showing in the link queue, has 23 hours to run before it gets listed...

Yeah .... I'm sorry about that. I think I was the one who accidentally deleted the link the first time around. It didn't come off as "computer related" at first glance, but I guess SMS ringtones belongs in the gizmos and gadgets category.

Dont warry about that, hope now everything will be ok.


though i haven't participated much, i do find your forum a classy site to get information from with users that have just as much class.


me too I would like to know where can i exchange link my website is this

[<< snipped >>

thanks in advance.

Sorry, we only exchange links with other tech websites.

is it possible to include my site to shopping category?

Is that for free? or with payment?

It's free ... it's a link swap. You link to us and we link to you. However, we only accept tech / computing related websites.

I am looking to submit in Blog Category.

Thanks cscgal, I am going to look up and few some.

Thanxs for this chance :)
i am in ;)

Thank you for this tool.

Thanks for the directory listing offer. I am definitely going to add my websites to the dani web directory. I am fairly new to this forum but I have benefited form participating in this forum as I have found that any information I contribute to this forum or my participation on other posts is indexed quite well by search engines especially Google. Although I agree participation should not be guided by SEO factors, I will admit that it certainly helps and is an added advantage. I am hoping that the dani web directory will be equally well indexed by Google.


You are a so kind guy,

Thank you so much,By the way,I try to link your website to us,but always failed....

Hi Dani, has the link directory been removed? If so, then I would have to remove the link to Daniweb on my company website....

http://www.daniweb.com/directory/ is giving me error 403, for many days now. But I haven't even received an email to let me know what is happening to my reciprocal link. I'm a devoted member here and so, I deserve to know. After-all, I didn't place my reciprocal link pointing to Daniweb on a junk page.

Where has the directory been moved to without notice?

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