I am having an idea to structure seo friendly links better but i am unsure if it is worth the efford( not a very great efford).

A the moment a link looks like /module/parameter1/parameter2/parameter..../function-language.html

Where module can be anything from forum to cms
Where function can be anything from index to ..... any web callable function in the module.
Where language is optional.

I am thinking to restructure to

The benifit i would gain would be a better organised content structure. An example to demonstrate.

This feels better to me:

As apposed to this which has a different structure ( this is how i am doing it at this time )


A uniform structure like you prefer is not better in any way to the examples you don't prefer. Just focus on the basics. Try to keep your URLs short and full of keywords (use only those that are necessary). Remove short words whenever possible like "the", "is", and "a" as they serve no purpose SEOwise.

Since you already have mod-rewritten links, it isn't worth it to make the change and lose all of the pages you have indexed in the search engines - even with 301 redirects. I wouldn't do it. Sorry.

So far I have almost no pages indexed and for the moment the traffic is 0 so loosing a bit of time letting google reindex the site does not matter much to me. The site is mainly an testcase and all I learn there will be used in the site I seo for my company.

Also the site is running on my "seo friendly php framework" that I want to be perfect before running other sites on it. So can it help, even a bit?

The basics have been taken care of, good clean file names, titles headings no spamming and so forth. So i am looking to make things even better then they are. An seo consultant told me this could help so that is why I am looking into it. Thanks for your reply.

A uniform structure like you prefer is not better in any way to the examples you don't prefer. Just focus on the basics. Try to keep your URLs short and full of keywords (use only those that are necessary). Remove short words whenever possible like "the", "is", and "a" as they serve no purpose SEOwise.

I made the change, cost me about 1 hour or so. I already made the mistake to put a robots deny on the non www and an allow on the www and then asking google to remove my non www site;) Gues what it removed both:mrgreen:

Anyhow I am looking to improve my folder structure even more.
My problem is that I need links to include the php module name and sometimes the function name...

An example of on of my longest urls.

The problem is the cms needs:
the subject name folder 1
the topic name folder 2
the article name folder 3
then the module and function as file name as part of the framework, i could change this but don't know how go move on. Technically it is realy easy to change the way module and function are set.

Do any of you have any idea's to make the link shorter and or more seo friedly?
I was thinking of making it:
But this negates the reason i made the first change, i want to use the googl-optimization folder for both forum and cms and so on...

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