Hay every body,

would you please let me know how can I see my website on search engins. When I put my name alfonsejavd or alfonse javed in google search engin I can fatch lots of data about me but when I put my site address it does not show my site. what should I do.

Have you submitted to them yet? Have you set up a sitemap?

What do you mean by submitting to them? You don't need to manually submit to search engines anymore, silly :)

Thanks suggest me what should I do buddy.

Thanks buddy but it bit complicated, would you describe it in a simple way

What do you mean by submitting to them? You don't need to manually submit to search engines anymore, silly :)

Sure you do silly beans. :p Since there are only three major search engines to submit to and it is the only guaranteed way for you to know they know about your site it really is a must do. Naturally you still want to make a sitemap and also want them to find you through links but anyone who is serious about launching their website will spend 60 seconds to submit it to search engines.

Thanks buddy but it bit complicated, would you describe it in a simple way

Unfortunately that website explains it as simply as possible. Your best bet is to try to use software to make your sitemap for you.

I guess it shows when the last time I created a website was.

Just have a xml sitemap and increase the links. Search engines automatically crawl your site.

I am working to SEO my site. I want to put my website in Serch Engine. it is my first experience in this issue. please let me know how to solve this issue.

Thanks & Regards.

Hi, alfonsejavd

I would like to say building backlinks from high PR sites or fourms would work better than submitting your sites to search engines. I have the experiences that if you could some backlinks from PR 7 sources, your sites would definitely being indexed within 48 hours. :)

Wish this help,

commented: Nice +9

I am new to the organization so i don't know about any technique to maintain the websites. But recently i heard about the GMR web maintenance and tried to find out about the method.I was surprised to know that the SEO meets almost all the demands of the web maintenance.

Dont worry about submitting sites and certainly dont be taken in by services that offer this for money. search engines will naturally search your site if they find a link to it. - that part is important, make sure you have links to your site from somewhere, but as mentioned above high PR sites do tend to get you crawled quicker.

Hi, i know this is an old thread but i feel that i must clear things up here and answer this very simple question as there may be others who stumble across this who with the same question as alfonsejaved. I might add that i find it very shocking that no one else here could answered this question properly!

1. click on the following link and sign up as new user: http://www.google.com/webmasters/

2. use the following site to automatically make you a site map: http://www.sitemapdoc.com/

3. Paste the gibberish from the above site into a .xml file and save in your sites root folder. You can just upen a notepad doc and paste the content from sitemapdoc.com into your blank page. Now save this page into the root folder of your site as sitemap.xml or what ever .xml you want.

4. Upload the .xml file to your live site

5.go back to the google webmaster and submit sitemap. All Done!!

Google will ask you to verify that the site you are submitting does actually belong to you so you may have to paste a tiny bit of code into the meta tag section of your websites index page before you are allowed to submit the site map.

Your site will be indexed in google within two weeks meanwhile you can visit my website and see what good webdesign is really all about http://www.designsmart.org.uk

Just get some links pointing back to your website from directories, social media, dofollow blog comments, article banks, etc. and the search engine bots will find your webiste. No need to submit.

Search engines by design send out robots to crawl and save snippets of all information on the internet. They get from one destination to another by following links.

To "put your website in all searching engines" all you have to do is publish some unique content and earn a couple of links. Alternatively, you can submit your website directly to Google or Bing. Just search for 'submit to Google' and so on..

Ways to get index:

Search Engine Submission - submit only once.
Create a sitemap - helps your sub-pages get index.
Link building - back link helps your site get listed in search engines.

http://www.AWSurveys.com/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=odoms (We would like to thank you for being part of A.W.Surveys. With your help we are one of the fastest growing survey companies in the world. We are proud that our Web Site Evaluations are helping change how the web looks. We believe we have the best survey takers in the world, which is why we value and pay so much for your evaluations.)

You will have to add your site to all search engine . Another way is by submitting sitemaps to you site and creating some good links you can also get list is search engines

Either the search engines will index you automatically either you can use the mass ping websites. They will send a signal to the search engine's crawler and it will index your websites.

you can get some help form Search Engine submission for that ? you can find out the list for that on Google for search engine submission.

your site might be new. so get some back links.

And if you want to put your websites on search engines ,you can use
www submitexpress com .Its free .Submit only if you have not submited yet.

Most of the time Google and other search engine automatically start to crawl the site, but in your case you need submit your site manually. It is a simple process open the Google.com in that you will get option get listed, provide all the information about your business, also submit your site on Google map. This process will help you for listing.

You will have to do search engine submission for you site for all search engine

You need to submit the site map of the website inside the webmaster tool . do some social booking is extra edge.

I'd never submitted my website or link to any search engine. Only thing you have to do is create xml sitemap as well as html sitemap. Rest work will be done by search engine.

You can go to each search engien and submit the url of your site. But that is hard work.
It's better to make backlinks for your site ( place the link of your site to forum, directories, other sites ) and let the seach engines find you.

so what's the bottom line? can any1 explain?

If you need the output from search engine then you need to rank your website in all major search engine. IF you are able to achieve this then sure you will get the huge amount of traffic as well as business for your property.

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