My site works good in Keyword Ranking but it's traffic on that keyword is not so good.
So what can i do for increasing the traffic. Backlinks for my site are very few.
Please send me your suggestions .
Thank you.

Do you have content worth linking to? And getting more links doesn't necessarily mean more traffic. Most links are not followed on other websites. You would need good placement for that.

Easy, but low value links , can be achieved by directory submissions. If you want higher quality links you'll need to have quality unique content that other sites find useful. The links they can give you can deliver traffic and higher search engine rankings.

Content is key, Then the next thing i recomend is add your link to all the Free directorys you can.

It is still a difficult task getting backlinks, from what I see most you have to pay for, Doesnt seem like people are willing to link to you unless you already have a high ranking site.

But if I had a high ranking site then I wouldnt need the backlinks, :D.

I think you have to have something on your site that people find useful a want to link to. I think you can just try contacting other websites and ask them.

Use Google and Yahoo to find all the free directories for submission. There are so many free directories that you'll get tired of submission.

keyword ranking and web traffic is different. If your keywords is in a good position but no traffic from your site. Get more backlinks and check the web traffic of the site. Create blog with a link from your main site and related content, submit it to social bookmarking site,participate in forums and groups and promote your site or your blog.

My site works good in Keyword Ranking but it's traffic on that keyword is not so good.
So what can i do for increasing the traffic. Backlinks for my site are very few.
Please send me your suggestions .
Thank you.

More link popularity = More Traffic

Try to get more back links for your website - Do directories submissions, social bookmarking, article submissions, press releases and link exchanging.

& you can also check your competitors where are they linked. Try to make your submissions there on too.

I would also suggest to increase the web presence of your site. Exchange links with relevant sites, blogs and directories. There are few webmasters that go for paid links which gives huge traffic to pur site, but I won't suggest to do so. Posting on forums relevant to your site is also a good option.

i'm new user in this site
let me to introduce myself..
my name is Afiek, i live in Indonesia. my purpose of joining in this site,,i hope i can improve my knowledge about programing..

Creating Quality Content
You will want to focus on the visible content of your page. Many people online today are creating content that is written specifically for the search engines. However, I would advise you to optimize your content for your readers. Your readers are the most important.

To rank for your targeted keyword phrases, you must include them within your copy, but you must first ensure that your content is appealing to your visitors. After you do this, you can then weave your keywords into your copy.

After that you should concentrate on link building.

Content is key, Then the next thing i recomend is add your link to all the Free directorys you can.

This is a general question.

So what is the most important, content or link?

I know this two are important, but in your own opinion, which of them is the most important?

Content because without quality content you can't get quality links.

Just yesterday I was listening to a free 59 minute audio download about called Search Engine Success.

It is well worth listening to as it has some good information on linking and a lot of other stuff that you can do for free.

You can download it free from the Leisure Audio Books site

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