I just did a Website Grader report.
It is telling me:
Your website has an Alexa rank of 1,581,523 which is in the top 5.15 % of all websites.
and that I have a Google Ranking of 3.

Is the Google ranking good, bad or indifferent?

I don't think my site is getting enough hits to rank in the top 5% of all websites. Or is that number based on the other sites I put in to compare it to? I only put in one other site.

Is my Google ranking based just on my site or compared to the one other URL I compared my site to?

Any info/clarification on this would be great!

Your google ranking is good, however, your alexa is bad... Focus on PR and not on alexa... build links and continue to promote your site.

Ignore Alexa, unless you will sell your site.

Have to agree with the others. Alexa is not that important ... Google's the key and best to continue promoting it .

You have a really great site with tons of info. Wondering if you have any specific recommendations for me.. I have an travel magazine that focuses on editorial content, but have lots of sections like a forum, readers stories, video gallery and photo gallery I am trying to promote.

Or focus on serp ranking rather than alexa and pr.

Both are important, and here your Google PR is good.

Google Page Rank, that appears in the Google Toolbar, is the measure of a particular webpage's popularity or importance, mainly based on the number of inbound links as computed using the pagerank formula.

Alexa Traffic Rank, on the other hand, is the measure of a website's traffic, including traffic from its sub-domains, based on a three months of aggregated historical traffic data from Alexa Toolbar users.

And sometimes google pr toolbar will not give accurate result.

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