Unlike so many others, I would REALLY like for mine to be useful and actually popular. There are so many that fails on so many different aspects.

To set mine apart, I have taken on the idea of it being a cookbook based site. Using the Drupal CMS, I have started a 'book' where I hope to add these recipes in building a couple of fictitious networks for plausible small or medium businesses.

Here is where I start running into issues. I know what I know, and am trying to put it down in words that the lay person can easily understand. I try to make the examples I have written informative without being the world's greatest cure for insomnia. I also do not have all day, every day to just write for the site.

I know it is useful, entertaining and compelling content that brings people to sites such as the one I wish to build. What I don't know is (a.) how to get others helping build that content, (b.) how to market/advertise a site I'm not really interested in making a profit from (but would like to see it pay for itself), and (c.) how to show up on the various search engines without that becoming a full time job of it's own.

I appreciate the advise you folks may share. I just really don't know where to start with this part of the site development and growth.



Interesting concept. So that you are not taking large chunks of your day to put the 'recipes' together, I would say to post a different step (ingredient) each day preferrably in the morning. At the end of each encourage people to share their tips/tricks or experience in using these steps to build similar systems. Over the first month or so monitor who is posting up the most replies/additional content and then extend the invitation to them to participate as part of the team.

As for marketing, submit the site to the usual sites (Digg, Delicious, Technorati, etc) and also participate in groups on Linkedin (join if you do not already belong) and answer/address the questions/issues that would seem to be related to what you are doing on the site. You can list the URL in your replies and you will generate traffic and probably also attract people who are interested in participating.

As for the search engine issue, you have to do the basic SEO due diligence, submit the site to the various engines and then get some tracking software to see where you are ranking and you will be able to tweak your meta data to get higher positions.

That sounds interesting...

Thanks. I'm hoping to make a go of the site. The hardest part for me, right now, is that I already work two full time jobs. It can be difficult and exhausting to make the time needed to write the solutions for the site.


Thanks for the feedback.

Can you direct me a best practices method for getting my site added to the various search engines and how to submit to the other sites you mentioned (Digg, Technorati, etc)? I'm not trying to be difficult, I just want to make sure I am executing the best practices to maximize effect fro effort.



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