Recently Twitter had to restate Twitter follower counts after purging spam accounts. As many consultants and marketing professionals use various stats to prove their value and twitter followers are one of those stats, did the sudden drop in follower counts cause you any problems with your company/client?

Not at all. I have noticed that Twitter does delete accounts occasionally and my Twitter Followers go down by 2 or so. I prefer lower number than having followers who are spammers.

Not at all. I have noticed that Twitter does delete accounts occasionally and my Twitter Followers go down by 2 or so. I prefer lower number than having followers who are spammers.

Yes i have noticed that too but its has not created any problem. As the spammers wouldn't have added anything except increase in the no of followers and spamming mailbox.

I have seen a couple of articles where it has shown a marked decrease in some accounts followers but I think that these are accounts who are more intent on racking up numbers than truly communicating in a meaningful way. On my personal account I have about 40 followers but I routinely block the obvious spammers. As my clients twitter account follower counts grow I am constantly reminding them that they must be dilligent in weeding out the crap.

I agree with InsightsDigital that it is better to have a smaller, more meaningful following than a massive one littered with who knows what.

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