What's a hub page? What's the importance of hub page?

I never heard the term of a hub page. Do you mean, a landing page or a microsite page?

It's the place of writing, publishing & earning. You can write anything as your wish (except adult materials and copied contents). Several affiliate programs are the best reward if you are in hubpages. You can make an account by clicking "sigh in" option at the upper right corner of this page or click here to sigh up. Hubpages is free and best to write, to publish and to earn!!

It's like squidoo-A place to publish and share your content.

The interface resembles predecessors like Squidoo, allowing members to create individual pages on narrow topics of general interest. Its designed around sharing advertising revenue for user-generated content.

I am more interested in creating hub pages if I can increase my earning potential. Does any one here have any success stories to share? Thanks

I agree hubpage is just like a squidoo. both of them are called social media sites. hubpage can help you a lot to your website campaign especially ecommerce site. Other benefits of hubpage are dofollow links and extra income through adsense and Amazon.

try it now.


HubPage is a Micro-blogging platform like Squidoo. Each page each called a HUB. You or anyone else can build a Hub and also earn revenue from it for free and a little bit of work. To know further on how exactly to build a Hub and start earning from it you can read - How To Make MOney Online With HubPages.

I am more interested in creating hub pages if I can increase my earning potential. Does any one here have any success stories to share? Thanks

yes i have success with hubpages i earn some money from adsense with hubpages.you can try it it is so simple and effective in promoting your site or blog.

Create hubpages.com on your targeted keyword. Visit Hubpages and create a page. write a small article and then publish it.

As Hub and Squidoo are do follow links, the links in them are treated so favorably by Search Engines.

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Hubpage is like a squidoo wherein you can post and share your content. You can even earn some revenues for free with just a small amount of work. You just need to have an interesting and very informative content.

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