Calling it the spoken version of a Tweet, Jahah has release the beta version of Jahah@CALL which allows to people to engage in a two minute phone call through twitter. There are some basic requirements, the big one being that both the caller and the recipient must be members of the Jahah@Call service.

Would you use this service if you could find a viable business use for it or do you think this is more of a non-business app?

Too many limitations right now, But I’m not sure it's worth the few cents you might spare using Jajah compared to placing a regular phone call.

Too many limitations right now, But I’m not sure it's worth the few cents you might spare using Jajah compared to placing a regular phone call.

If you are talking local calls, true. But if you are talking international calls, especially to countries where a regular phone call is expensive and difficult to put through (even using cell phones), this is an option that could be cost effective. As with Skype, I doubt this will ever have a wide business application but in certain situations it could be handy and cost effective.

It could be useful. Only time will tell.

It could be useful. Only time will tell.

True. I have read a little more on it and it seems like a really niche offering that will not generate a great deal of revenue. But, if the company that is offering the service has other products that are more likely to generate revenue then any publicity they get from the'twitter call' could help in that area.

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