Hi, I have a site that at the moment has no advertising on it (well it does but it belongs to the previous owner so am in the process of removing it) and I am wondering what the best way forward is for advertising and companies to use or individuals to approach.

About the site:

The site is an online multiplayer gaming site (link in my sig). It has 145,000 registered members. I have only had it running a short while so based on current visitor figures I am estimating (under estimating here mind) 250,000 unique visits a month and over 11,000,000 hits a month. There are not many pages as such on the site though. Before the downtime when moving to my server it was a PR6 site, after making it live again its PR4 but I do expect this to increase again. Its ranked 92,500 in alexa, which I know is nothing to boast about but its not that bad either.

The traffic figures for this site are quite good, so what would you suggest?


Landing good advertising deals can be difficult for sites that are not giants. Obviously, you want contracts that are going to generate sufficient revenue so your best option is to make sure your adsfit your demographic. To get gaming companies interested in your site, try sending a press release to their advertising dept. Also, try calling their marketing dept. and pitching your site. you might not get 5 million unique users a month, but your audience is targeted.
Untargeted advertising yield less results, but could be a good place to start. For example, our company offers an affiliate program that offers 30% of membership fees from users sent our way. (<< url snipped >> for more info) but the site is for people interested in selling photography. Hope this helps!


Jesse Gainer
Business Development

Ok here are some pointers:

1) Start off with cheap introductory advertising prices since people always like specials.
2) Use google adsense.
3) come up with a resonable price and give discounts if the advertiser purchases for long periods.
4) Use affiliate Programs.

Will add more later on.

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