Default What are your best traffic tactics?
Hi All,

Everybody has their own way to get the traffic and market/advertise their site. I would like to know the traffic tactics which you guys normally use.

Mine are:
1.) email marketing
2.) forums
3.) blog comments
4.) Social Bookmarking


Well, first of all I do my on-page SEO and after I ping my website, then do socialbookmarking, forum and blog posting and commenting, email marketing - only if necessary, if I urgently need traffic:)


The"Comments" Tactic
The"Yahoo! Answers" Tactic
The "Article Marketing" Tactic
The "Forum Marketing" Tactic
Tactic with "Email"
The "Submission to Directories"Tactic
The " Keywords" Tactic


I get most of the traffic from Google and links from other websites.

Getting traffic is a combination of a lot of things. The key to success is to create great content that visitors want to use, search engines will love and other websites will naturally link to.

Adding proper # symbols with keywords help me to get more followers. Try it out.

Yes, natural search engine traffic is the best. SEO + backlinks = Traffic

I m getting traffic from email marketing and natural traffic from google and other search engine also some visitors from the forum site :)

We do a lot of social network marketing, direct e-mails and mails and forum posting. :) That's in order by ROI :)

Yes, the above mention tactics are great. I also recommend the following:
1. Commenting on relevant bloggers (and hoping they will allow your link to appear on your comment).
2. Constantly engaging with high twitter celebrities and their followers will see the comments and check your profile and increase your site's visibility.

I have followed the following tactics.

Article Marketing
Blog Creation and posting
Blog Commenting
Social Bookmarking
Signature Linking

Forum Posting
Blog commenting
Signature Linking

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