Hi, Everybody,
I have submitted my site information in many social bookmarking sites and now I want to know that what should I do for getting traffic from these sites. Should I submit my site information again and again with different-2 title, keyword and description ? Please suggest me what should I do after submit my site information in these sites for increase my site traffic.

Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestions!

Actually, I did everything already. How many sources dod you tryed?? Maybe you should try some new? When you submit a link you should give it a proper title, title wich should be keywords rich, if you did so then all you need now - wait:) And also try to use someother resources, skip to forum/blog posting, ect.

you should your profile popular in social networking sites by making number of followers.and make attractive article in your site page then add that page in bookmarking site with brief description of article.

In these social sites, you need to make it interesting to the users.


Social media is great for online business. Effective way of doing this is first make your strategy how are going to do this. It is done to impress human being by writing impressive content. There are many of social media sites like facebook, twitter, myspace, digg, linkedin youtube and many more. But these website are best for for doing this. Social media is an ongoing process you need to stay connected using social networking websites and keep doing.


In these social sites, you need to make it interesting to the users.

Thanks for suggestions!
Please tell me can I submitted my site information again and again in same social bookmarking sites with different-2 title, descriptions or not ?

You can promote your site in social bookmarking sites from different resources like from a blog post, an article, a squidoo lens or from a nice article written for your site at hubpages. Postings need to be seemed informative, unique and interesting! You should also need to vote and make comments in others postings so that they'll also be interested in your postings.

Using Social networking sites is very beneficial in order to increase traffic,as long as you do it right and develop a strategy. Keep in mind that the vast majority of the people using social networks do so for fun and entertainment. Therefore, only accept friends or followers that have the same interests as you, that are there to network or for business relations. Establish a time frame for every time you are logged in. Doing so will help you avoid getting caught up in the socializing frenzy and waste lots of valuable time.

Create unique content, then submit it to the major social bookmarking and link sharing services. Social bookmarking has the great ability to reach where search engines cannot: by using viral marketing and popular opinion, social bookmarking helps to discover what is important before any bot can spider the site and rank it among the thousands of sites available.

Here some user has good reply and some has little difficulty anyway i have got my point from here so thanks to all user who has good sharing thanks a lot :)

Use right keyword while book marking your link. It will increase you SERP for that particular keyword.

Use right keyword while book marking your link. It will increase you SERP for that particular keyword.

I want to know that is social bookmarking sites can be useful to increase back links which can be count in google. If yes then please provide me such social bookmarking sites which can be helpful to get back links which can be count in google.

Thanks in advance for your sharing!

I am also recommended social Bookmarking for SEO. Social bookmarking is really effective when it comes to PR. Its also a good method to get indexed your webpage on search engines. For me social bookmarking coupled with link building is the most effective thing. It also helps to generate lot of traffic and also help in serp ranking. There are too many advantages of social Bookmarking.

1. It is easy to develop links through it.
2. Most of sites are Do follow. (It is also Consider as Back link)
3. It's also effective for your serp.

Social Bookmarks can provide solid links to your website. Bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, Stumbleupon, Reddit etc, gives tremendous volumes of traffic on daily basis and can put your site in front of millions of people which a search engine can't. Submit the best contents of your blog/website to as many bookmarking sites as possible in order to increase the popularity of your website.

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