Hi there,

I am interested in getting banner advertisements for my website and just wanted to know if there are any reputable advertising agencies that would sell banner advertisement for my website for a commission?

Many thanks.

It's not agencies you're looking for, it's ad networks, or site representation firms. Ad agencies are the ones buying the ads, not selling them.

Just do a Google search for ad networks ... a billion should come up, everything from the ones that put crappy ads on your site for pennies, up to the more reputable ones. A lot of them are niche, too ... if you have no experience selling advertising online, then check out a whole bunch to become familiar with the industry. Just don't sign any exclusive contracts!

Hi Dani,

What I wanted was an advertising agency to sell banner advertisements for my website. I am not sure if this came across my original post.

Are there any organisations or ad agenices which will contact suitable companies and sell advertising banners for my website?

And with regards to the ad networks you mentioned can you recommend the best ones? The most lucrative ones? And the most reputable ones? As I am a complete newbie in this area.

Many thanks.

Hi Gordon,

It pretty much depends on the traffic volume. Certain advertising agencies, including the one I represent, must make sure they are a great fit.

How many impressions the site generated in the past 30 days?

I think you are searching for an advertising agency like buyselladds. Buyselladds works fine, but the problem is that they take 25% commission

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