really , I am starting a new community forum , right now it is growing slowly and i am getting bored :confused:

and I was curious , how did a website like daniweb started , how long did it take them to reach this good rank , what ways of marketing did they use , how may users registered in there first month , how much do they make from Google ad sense :eek:$$$ .....

Does anyone know?

Most of the story is told here, which is the "About Us" link. You won't be told how much ad revenue the site makes, ever. First, because that's none of anyone's business (including mine), except Dani, and secondly, because divulging such information violates Google's TOS.

about the google ads part , this is just a joke , i realy don't want to know .....and i didn't read the google TOS ,

A word of wisdom = Read the Google TOS if you use AdSense :)

I've actually gone into some pretty long rants within this forum if you do a little digging. :)

That was a year ago *oh, the memories*

wow, daniweb has really come on since then
remember the old-style forums? (bluey colour scheme?)

yeah its changed alot

general idea is still awesome though, a place (free) where people can get help, advertise for work or just talk about technology related issues

i hope daniweb continues this tradition as every day i see more and more things like "experts exchange" where tyou have to play, spring up across the net

Yeah, I'm not a fan of Experts-Exchange although I am a fan of the broad array of IT-related topics they cover and the way they were able to attract a targeted audience of IT professionals.

If anyone has any old screen captures of daniweb it would be really great to see some.

Wow that has to be some kind of record. Five minutes for a reply!

Have you always owned daniweb? I am sure i have read somewhere that you started with a dif domain.

The site has come on along way.

i think it was just going from techtalk to daniweb when i joined at least (bluey/pinkey colour scheme?), this was in like 03/04?

sorry i have a terrible memory

i love the fact that used to be a website about dogs and HTML tutoring, hmm... nice mix :D

i love the fact that used to be a website about dogs and HTML tutoring, hmm... nice mix :D

really?? :rolleyes: didn't know that , mmmm , is there some pics from the past , i think there is some websites that makes screenshots for websites through time , i will be glade to see something for daniweb

really?? :rolleyes: didn't know that , mmmm , is there some pics from the past , i think there is some websites that makes screenshots for websites through time , i will be glade to see something for daniweb

It started out as a site about my dogs when I was 14 years old. But even back then I developed an interest in Internet marketing, and starting redoing it as a site to help other people with dog sites ... "Promoting toy dog sites one bark at a time!" We had HTML tutorials, TONS of dog clipart, and even a banner exchange program.

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