i want to know how alexa gets its ranking , all i know that it takes hits from people using alexa toolbar .... but is that all ? is there a genius mathematical equation they use ? some sample ratios , may be ? ..... i realy want to know

cause i run a website , 2 month now , and my rank on alexa is growing very high , i know my traffic is growing but there is something making me suspicious , my rank went like this :

when i first launched i was in the 6 millions , then jumped to the 3 millions , then 581,xxx , today i reached 484,741 , and i have a graph on alexa :)

so is this right , or sometime alexa makes some errors ??

and the funny thing is , i am the most active user on my site and i DON'T HAVE AN ALEXA TOOLBAR;) , i use an opera broweser with no tool bars installed

The more people with the alexa toolbar that visits your site the higher you will rank. That's it. :)

Maybe it would be wise to compare alexa with the google page rank (PR). They both are useful, and both have their faults. For one, as you have said, Alexa is merely an estimate of traffic. Not everyone has an alexa toolbar and we might have measurement bias if there is a reason why more people would not (or would) have the toolbar who visit your site than others. There is much that would support this. It is a specific impulse that impels one to install alexa, and perhaps this sort of person is more apt to have web traffic in certain places.

Google PR is different in that it is more conceptual rather than pure fact counting. It can also be fooled, quite easily if you know what you are doing. It definitely uses a mathematical formula and perhaps a few of Colonel Sanders secret spices as well :p.

So I suppose we are stuck with using both. One idea I have had is to write a program that integrates both PR and Alexa to give a good overall feel to a website's popularity.


From what I understand, it takes the data from all the installed Alexa toolbars. And now for a great tip to boosting your Alexa ranking that I learned from Yaro Starak.

At the bottom of my blog's sidebar, I've installed an Alexa plugin which keeps track of my Alexa Rank. Since installing the plugin, my Alexa rank has improved by about 30% One probable explanation is that getting continual requests from my domain b/c of the plugin helps to improve my raking. It takes a second to install and is definitely worth it.

I don`t believe in alexa. My brother has a Radio Station online and has an average of 400 daily unique visitors and Alexa says that he has only 6 visitors per day.

As far as I understood the traffic rating. The rating was dependent on the amount of people that visited your site with the Alexa toolbar, if they don't have the toolbar, it will not be counted in the rankings.

i want to know how alexa gets its ranking , all i know that it takes hits from people using alexa toolbar .... but is that all ? is there a genius mathematical equation they use ? some sample ratios , may be ? ..... i realy want to know

cause i run a website , 2 month now , and my rank on alexa is growing very high , i know my traffic is growing but there is something making me suspicious , my rank went like this :

when i first launched i was in the 6 millions , then jumped to the 3 millions , then 581,xxx , today i reached 484,741 , and i have a graph on alexa :)

so is this right , or sometime alexa makes some errors ??

and the funny thing is , i am the most active user on my site and i DON'T HAVE AN ALEXA TOOLBAR;) , i use an opera broweser with no tool bars installed

You can't rely on Alexa numbers. The numbers are useless, unless you can check the traffic for a website in the same niche and compare the Alexa numbers.

Alexa rank means nothing for me now.Just to check the traffic of my competitors.

Alexa rank simply record all the people activity once they visit your site.I don't know how they do that.but apparently Alexa rank now easily cheated with incentive cheap PPC marketing like neobux or meta refresh script. if you care about sales, ignore Alexa bit and back on your Google analytic

It depends on how much traffic your site gets. More the traffic to your site from different countries more its better for you.

Alexa is very inaccurate. Some sites with over 300,000 unique visits get a rank of 100k+, and some sites with only 50,000 visits gets a rank of 30k+

i use the alexa page rank addons of firefox, download and install it. After try accesing to google and check the rank, after facebook and youtube. In this way you will start to understand that it is useful. Im newbie in this topics but , with this method I understant that it work. Well, i think so jeje-.

Alexa is a website, which provides the web information based on the traffic and ranks the website according to the web traffic and its popularity. Alexa ranks a website based on the amount of users who have visited the website and several other factors like time on site, bounce rate influences the rank of the website.

I am looking for the same information yet i have just heard about the same Alexa but yet not i have did ti find that how it should work for sites?? but here i have found some interesting information regarding the same....

Alexa is calculated by average page visits. How many times that page viewable by users, how many minutes staying in that page, how many internal pages visits. I think you had a good website.

All the best

When you get more traffic, Alexa ranking will go down, simple as that folks.

if you want get a best PR in alexa, you must do SEO better ...
on page and off page activity is must support each other ...
it's can increase your'e PR in alexa ...


I have found that Alexa is a great tool to have when selling a site. It adds value to the site, the higher it is the better thought of your site is. For example, if you're selling your site, you can show potential sellers that your high up on Alexa, and that will increase the cost of your site most probably.

You can raise your rank by simply installing the Alexa Toolbar and also get others to do the same, as it will increase the rank.

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