Hi All,

I hope this is the right category to post this in. Can I cross post in the Building a Community category?

Okay here it goes...

I have a tons of e-mail addys saved up from my time online which is 6 yrs. now.

Most of the people conacted me personally thru dating sites etc, & I'm sure some would very interested in my new e-commerce site. I kept them knowing one day I would finally get my site launched LOL

I want to be able to either send them an e-mail introducing them to my site or asking them to join my ezine.

Last year people were telling me this is okay b/c there had been contact made between me & them at one point or another.

Today I'd like to hear suggestions on how to do this without causing any problems since all the new changes with spam.

There are just too many e-mails to do it one at a time (maybe 40,000 +), so I'd need a program that can gather all the e-mail addys, make sure there are no duplicates & send out a one time only e-mail. I don't even care if I have to do 100 every day just to space it out.

Than I would just delete the e-mail addys unless the person joined my ezine.

Any suggestions on how to do this, whether to get them to join my ezine or present my site or both?

Any suggestions on a program that will pull the e-mail addresses for me & send off an e-mail for me?

And lastly, I was going to go with an ezine that is free, but they seem to just be starting out & they don't have even have the simplest of features like choosing between html or text etc. They say they will have these features in a few months, but why should I wait? Changing ezines isn't that easy is it?

I would like people to tell me which ezine program they think is the best & why.

I had this one bookmarked from b4 & I just glanced over it last night & it sounds wonderful although the cheaper the better LOL


I'm also looking for one where I can automatically send out a PDF to the person when they join the ezine so I don't have to send them to a link on my server, but if this isn't possible, that is okay.

Anyway thanks for any help you guys can give me.

Have a great night !

Michelle :p

There is a ton of free autorepsonders out there that you can download or can code one your self pretty easily. (Check hotscripts.com)

As for the ripping of emails... thats an easy one as well you could do it in php and egrep for @ and grab the address form it.

How are emails fomratted?

Like on giant text file?

In a database? XML? burried in PDF's??

Well phplist is a good script and you can import the email addresses easily from a text document. Also it is able to send to a large list.

Check them out and the script is free


Good luck and hope i helped

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