How to promote a software with small budget? This question bothered me so long time, can anyone help me ? Some advices or suggestions would be appreciated!
sabrina07080236 -2 Light Poster
KeyDegree 0 Light Poster
Estreetloans 0 Junior Poster in Training
sabrina07080236 -2 Light Poster
Dani 4,543 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member
Salem commented: Taking less than a year to do it would help as well ;) +25
tiger86 commented: Wow; I can't believe what some people will do to promote their site. Good job on catching that! +1
sunnyday 0 Newbie Poster
ApparelJudy 0 Light Poster
bobchrist 7 Posting Pro in Training
x3mario 34 Posting Whiz
mackone 55 Posting Pro
LangOver 0 Newbie Poster
jennypitts 3 Junior Poster
koyel555 0 Light Poster
boattraveller78 0 Junior Poster in Training
judy1987 0 Newbie Poster
joelchrist -9 Posting Whiz
nicowest 0 Newbie Poster
proptiger1 0 Newbie Poster
aditd -2 Light Poster
KevinShine 0 Newbie Poster
Maurice_2 0 Newbie Poster
GrowFastDigital 0 Junior Poster in Training
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