Ok this is not to advertise my site at all (it's quite empty right now as i'm still working on the layout.

If you go to http://www.pektop.be you'll see a black gap between my top section and my middle section, I've literally been searching for hours why it does this but i can't seem to find it :( please help.

(you can right-click source code for it)

There is some php in it


@(include('config.php')) OR die ('<b>config.php not found!</b>');

$links 		= '<b>News</b>';
$news 		= get_news();


	if (!empty($news))
				<TD colspan=7><br></TD>
		foreach ($news as $text ) 
			<TD WIDTH=40></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=670 valign=top>
			<?=$text ?>	
			<TD WIDTH=40></TD>

		print '</table>';
	else print '';

and the include file


$web = 'http://www.webfire.biz';

define('USERNAME', 		'username');																
define('PASSWORD', 		'password');																
define('PAGE_TITLE', 	'Pektop');										
define('DATA_FILE', 	'content.dat');													
define('NO_NEWS', 		'There is currently no news');									
define('WELCOME', 		'<b>Newswriter Administration</b>');		

if (!is_writable(DATA_FILE)) die ('<b>'.DATA_FILE.' is not writable or does not exist!</b>');

function htmlhead($links='')
	if ( $links == 'on')
		<a href="<?=$_SERVER['file:///MacHD/Users/adriaan/Downloads/newswriter-1.5/PHP_SELF'] ?>?action=new" class="subnavi">Create News</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;
		<a href="<?=$_SERVER['file:///MacHD/Users/adriaan/Downloads/newswriter-1.5/PHP_SELF'] ?>?action=show" class="subnavi">Show News</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;
		<a href="#" onClick="help();" class="subnavi">Help</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;
		<a href="<?=$_SERVER['file:///MacHD/Users/adriaan/Downloads/newswriter-1.5/PHP_SELF'] ?>?action=logout" class="subnavi">Logout</a>
	else { print '<span class="subnavi">'.$links.'</span>'; }


function htmlfooter($links='')

function loginscreen()
		<TD height=35></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=370>
			<form action="<?=$_SERVER['file:///MacHD/Users/adriaan/Downloads/newswriter-1.5/PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="POST">
			<input type="hidden" name="action" value="login">
		<TD valign="middle" WIDTH=50>

		<TD valign="middle" WIDTH=350>
			<input style="width:120px" type="text" size="20" maxlength="15" name="name">
		<TD WIDTH=370></TD>
		<TD valign="middle" WIDTH=50>
		<TD valign="middle" WIDTH=550>
			<input style="width:120px" type="password" size="20" maxlength="15" name="pass">
		<TD valign="middle" WIDTH=550>

			<input style="width:120px" type="submit" value="Login">

function get_news()
		$serialized = file_get_contents(DATA_FILE);
		return (empty($serialized))? FALSE : unserialize($serialized);

function save_news()
		global $news;
		ksort ($news);
		$data = serialize(array_values($news));
		$fp 	= fopen(DATA_FILE,"w+");

		header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=show"); 	


ofcourse the username/password are changed here :p

Any chance of you being a little more specific as to which sections (putting Here1 and Here2 would have been very helpful).

Well, for a "quick fix"...
right after you middle div...
add a non breaking space...

<div id="middle">&nbsp;

Of course, it would help if you had a Doc Type, had a 0 (zero) for padding rather than an O (Capital letter o) etc. etc.

Use it to check as you build, saves lots of annoying little confusions.

commented: very helpfull +1

thank you very much for your assistance, the issue is solved. Also, I didn't know validator worked on php pages, thanks.

The Nav Bar at the top seems a little messed up in Firefox. When you hover over one of the links all of the links to the left of it change to underneath it and blink. Very annoying, unless of course its for the feel of the website. :)

yeah I'm still working on that, it's not supposed to happen :p

yeah I'm still working on that, it's not supposed to happen :p

Hehe. Ok then just thought I should mention it. :)

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